How To Improve Your Invoice Finance Facility

Existing users gave us this feedback on how they would like their invoice finance companies to improve their facilities. In many cases, these are improvements that we would be able to achieve for them, using our: free quote search service.

Invoice Finance Improvements

These were the improvements they requested:

  • 64% - Reduce charges
  • 16% - Nothing
  • 8% - Improve collections
  • 8% - Improve online system
  • 3% - More personal service/more understanding & friendly
  • 1% - Everything
  • 1% - Provide confidential

The majority of these issues could be solved by considering alternative providers.

Customer Quotes

These were some of the actual comments made by respondents to our survey:

  • "Nothing at all, really happy with them, have a set monthly fee and all works well".
  • "Cuts costs, improve collections and be more understanding and friendly".
  • "Improve electronic facility, their IT system is rubbish and have seen others out there that provide a better online facility".
  • "Make sure all customers are chased rather than just a handful".
  • "Give me more control, confidential facility".
  • "Upgrade online facility so I can have 24/7 access and see what's going on. Also chase more efficiently so I don’t have to worry about it too".
  • "Nothing much only make it cheaper, but not complaining".
  • "Better communication and online system to stop overlaps with chasing".
  • "Update their online system as a bit out of date compared to others I've heard about".

Once again there are providers within the marketplace that could solve every one of those issues for the user.

    Source: Study of Invoice Finance Users February 2015
    Note: Some respondents may have given multiple answers to questions.

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    Examples of funders we work with:

    pulse cashflow finance
    time finance
    ultimate finance group