Introducing The Invoice Finance Team At FundInvoice

Our invoice finance team at FundInvoice.Below is a brief resume for our partners, business funding and invoice finance team at FundInvoice LLP. 

To contact any of us please call 03330 113622.

Email [email protected] or complete a request for a FREE INDEPENDENT QUOTE SEARCH.

Our partners have been involved with business financing since the late '80s and they are well known throughout our sector. They have a broad network of contacts across the industry that can be used to help customers get access to the very best funding deals that are available.

Glenn Blackman


  • Since 1988 worked within the factoring, invoice discounting and trade finance industries, having worked with many of the leading providers.
  • Extensive experience as a business, marketing and research consultant, assisting a wide range of small, medium and large businesses.
  • Founding partner at FundInvoice LLP
  • Author of Glenn Blackman's Invoice Finance Blog and several other books.
  • Co-author of the book: "Selling Without Shaking Hands".
  • Curator of our social media channels and founder of the UK Invoice Finance Research Group on LinkedIn.
  • Full CV for Glenn Blackman MBA

Sean Morrow


  • Since 1988 worked within the factoring and invoice discounting sectors having worked for many factors and discounters.
  • A partner in FundInvoice LLP since it was established.
  • Sean has day-to-day contact with our clients and over his career has helped thousands of businesses improve on their existing facilities and quotations.
  • Full CV for Sean Morrow
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Examples of funders we work with:

pulse cashflow finance
ultimate finance group