FundInvoice Awards

FundInvoice AwardsFundInvoice Wins Customer Service Excellence Award At The EEAs 2024

FundInvoice Wins Customer Service Excellence Award 2024Our team has won its fourth consecutive award for Customer Service Excellence at the EEAs.

This time FundInvoice LLP picked up the award for "Invoice Finance Quote Specialists of the Year 2024 - UK" at the European Enterprise Awards.

For the full details of our award please see the news release: FundInvoice Wins Customer Service Excellence Award 2024.

FundInvoice LLP Are BMF Awards Finalists 2025 For The 11th Consecutive Year

We are delighted to confirm that we have made the shortlist of finalists for "Invoice Finance Broker of the Year" at the BMF Awards 2025.

For more information and to provide a testimonial to support us please see this news article: FundInvoice 11 Times As BMF Awards Finalists

FundInvoice Wins Award At The EEAs 2023

Fundinvoice has won a third award at the European Business Awards 2023 for "Invoice Finance Specialists of the Year - UK".FundInvoice Award Winners 2023 Invoice Finance Quote Specialists Of The Year - UK

As always we can't thank you all enough for providing testimonials to support our growing business.

Details Of Our Win

You can read about our latest win here: FundInvoice Wins 3rd Award.

Multi-Award-Winning Team

FundInvoice Award Winners 2023, 2022 & 2021

Glenn, Sean and the team were overjoyed to add this 3rd consecutive annual award to our trophy cabinet!

It is fantastic news for our team to be recognised consistently for the work that we do within the invoice finance sector. Not only as brokers but also as thought leaders seeking to help funders tailor their offerings to better suit customers.

Thanks again for all your support!

For The 10th Consecutive Year, FundInvoice Are Finalists At the BMF Awards 2024

For the 10th consecutive year, FundInvoice LLP has been confirmed as a finalist for the award "Invoice Finance Broker of the Year" at the Business Moneyfacts Awards 2024.

This makes it an entire decade of having made the shortlist for this award - a fantastic achievement for our dedicated team.

Thank you to those who supported us by providing a testimonial for FundInvoice LLP.

Winners Of The Award For Invoice Finance Quote Search Services Provider Of The Year - UK 2022

FundInvoice winners of Invoice Finance Quote Search Services Provider Of The Year UK 2022For the second consecutive year, FundInvoice won an award at the European Enterprise Awards.

This year we won the award for "Invoice Finance Quote Search Services Provider Of The Year - UK" 2022.

We are very grateful to receive a second award and once again we thank everyone that has supported us.

Winners Of The Award For Best Invoice Finance Brokerage - UK

FundInvoice LLP have been announced as the winners of the award for We are award winners! FundInvoice LLP has been announced as the winner of the award for "Best Invoice Finance Brokerage - UK" at the 2021 European Enterprise Awards.

We were absolutely delighted to have won this award. Our thanks to everyone who provided testimonials about our business.

You can see all the details of this award in this news release: FundInvoice Award Winners.

FundInvoice Make The Finals For The 9th Year Running At The BMF Awards 2023

Awards Finalist Business Moneyfacts 2023, 2022For the 9th year running FundInvoice is pleased to announce that they have been confirmed as finalists at the BMF Awards 2023. This is as a finalist for the award for "Invoice Finance Broker of The Year 2023".

Once again we are proud to be listed alongside some of our most esteemed industry colleagues - and we are grateful to all those that have supported us over the last 12 months.

A brilliant achievement for our team.

FundInvoice Confirmed As Finalists At The BMF Awards 2022

For the 8th consecutive year, FundInvoice has been confirmed as a finalist at the BMF Awards 2022. This was in the category "Invoice Finance Broker of the Year".

Brilliant to have been shortlisted for this award for so many years consecutively. We would like to thank all of our clients, funding partners and readers who provided testimonials about our businesses.

See a full write-up of the announcement here: FundInvoice 8th Year As Finalists.

BMF Awards 2021 - FundInvoice Are Finalists For The 7th Consecutive Year

FundInvoice has just been announced as a 2021 Finalist for "Invoice Finance Broker Of The Year" in the 2021 Business Moneyfacts Awards #BMFAwards.

What makes it even better is that we have now been Finalists for an award for 7 consecutive years.

You can read all about the announcement here: 2021 BMF Awards Finalists 

Business Moneyfacts Awards 2020

Finalists For "Invoice Finance Broker Of The Year"

We are delighted to have been confirmed as Finalists for "Best Invoice Finance Broker" at the forthcoming Business Moneyfacts Awards 2020. This is the 6th year running that we have been in the finals for an award.

The deadline for testimonials has now passed but we thank you for your submissions. The #BMFAwards 2020 ceremony was held "virtually" this year, on 21st July 2020, in light of the coronavirus outbreak.

These awards are about the quality of what you say about us, rather than the number of votes, so we very much appreciate your support.

You can read more about our being shortlisted here: BMF Awards Finalists 2020.

Business Moneyfacts Awards 2019

Finalists For Invoice Finance Broker Of The Year

For the 5th year running, FundInvoice LLP has been confirmed as a Finalist at the Business Moneyfacts Awards 2019, to be named as Invoice Finance Brokers of the Year.

We appreciate all the testimonials that were given to support us this year.

Delighted to have been on the list of just 10 nationwide finalists for 5 consecutive years now.

BMF Awards - Invoice Finance Broker Of The Year 2018

We are very pleased to announce that we have been confirmed as Finalists for the Business Moneyfacts Award for Invoice Finance Broker of the Year 2018.

This is the 4th year running (2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018) that we have been finalists in the BMF Awards.

The awards ceremony took place in London in March 2018, and we were pleased to attend a great event, hosted by Claudia Winkleman.

Unfortunately, Sean was unable to attend with me this year, after breaking his ankle, but Lee Morrison of our marketing partners In Association was kind enough to attend with me.

There were several awards within our sector of business finance, including those for the Best Factoring & Invoice Discounting Provider and Best Service from an Invoice Finance Provider.

Bearing in mind that we are a small firm, it is an honour just to be a finalist alongside several of our much larger competitors. This is a testimony to the quality of the service that we provide and the benefits that have been derived from the ongoing research programme that we conduct.

BMF Awards - Best Asset Based Finance Broker 2017

FundInvoice is pleased to have been confirmed as "Finalists" for the third year running in the BMF Awards 2017, in the category of Best Asset Based Finance Broker 2017.

We were really pleased to be "Finalists" for 3 years running, a huge achievement for a small firm like ours.


1066 Business Awards - Best Small Business 2016

Finalists 1066 Awards 2016For the second consecutive year, FundInvoice LLP has been nominated as a "Finalist" for the 1066 Business Finance Awards 2016.

Local recognition is always important to us.

This year we were delighted to be a finalist for the Best Small Business 2016.

We were particularly pleased to be nominated for this award as it is local recognition of what we have achieved with a small team.

Glenn Blackman and Sean Morrow of FundInvoice At The 1066 Business Awards 2016

Business MoneyFacts Awards - Best Asset Based Finance Broker 2016

For the second year running, FundInvoice LLP has been confirmed as "Finalists" for the Business Moneyfacts Awards 2016 for the category of "Best Asset Based Finance Broker".

On the 17th of March 2016, we attended the awards ceremony at the Lancaster Hotel, London.

We were really pleased to be nominated as Finalists for the second year in a row and would like to thank everyone who voted for us.

Glenn Sean BMF Awards 2016

Business MoneyFacts Awards - Best Asset Based Finance Broker 2015

FundInvoice LLP were "Finalists" in the Business Moneyfacts Awards 2015 for the category "Best Asset Based Finance Broker".

There was an awards ceremony, at the Lancaster Hotel in London, hosted by Business MoneyFacts on the 19th of March 2015 which Glenn Blackman and Sean Morrow of FundInvoice LLP (pictured below) attended. See our newsfeed for more pictures from the event.

Glenn Blackman Sean Morrow FundInvoice BMF Awards 2015

1066 Business Awards 2015

1066 Business Awards Finalists 2015FundInvoice has also been confirmed as "Finalists" in the 1066 Business Awards 2015. Our team attended the awards dinner at the Bannatyne Spa Hotel Hastings and were delighted to be nominated as "Finalists".

The 1066 Business Awards cover Rother, Hastings, St Leonards, Rye, Battle, Ore and Bexhill.

FundInvoice Finalists 1066 Business Awards 2015

Startups 100 List 2015

FundInvoice submitted an application to be considered for the Startups 100 List 2015, which is a list of the top 100 most exciting and innovative UK businesses. Whilst we were not included in this year's top 100 list, we did receive this encouraging reply from the Startups 100 team:

"I just wanted to email to let you know that we were really impressed with your business.

We received more entries than ever this year – and competition really was tougher than ever, with higher turnover, more funding and more employees than any other year.

While we do believe your business has potential, it was just a little too early-stage for this year. I do hope you’ll reapply next year when I’m sure you’ll have gained even more traction."

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Examples of funders we work with:

funding invoice