Types Of Companies Using Invoice Finance

This is a breakdown of the type of companies that we found to be using invoice finance, during our Invoice Finance Recommendation & Advertising Survey - May 2015 (100 respondents).

Industry Sectors

The companies within our sample were concentrated within the following industry sectors:

  • 25% - Manufacturers
  • 7% - Labour hire and recruitment
  • 6% - Freight transport and couriers
  • 4% - Wholesalers
  • 4% - Retailers
  • 3% - Printers
  • 3% - Mechanical engineers

Size Of Company

The respondents broke down into the following size and circumstance categories:

  • 82% - Small companies
  • 11% - Large companies
  • 4% - Medium companies
  • 2% - Companies subject to voluntary creditor arrangements
  • 1% - Companies subject to winding up petitions

Number Of Employees

Only 14% of respondents had employee numbers available. Those that did ranged from zero to 357 employees.

Level Of Turnover

Only 15% of respondents had turnover levels available. Those that did had annual turnover that ranged from £502K to £134M.


This analysis of the composition of the companies using invoice finance shows that these product are used by a broad spectrum of companies. These range from small businesses without employees up to large companies turning over multiple millions each year and employing a significant work force.


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Examples of funders we work with:

ultimate finance group
funding invoice