#IFaware - Please Help Raise Awareness Of Invoice Finance

Our research has found that 1 in 3 UK companies have not heard of invoice finance, a product which was recommended by 98% of existing users that we surveyed, and which can be the answer to the cash flow headaches of businesses. As a result we have launched the #IFaware campaign to try and spread the word about these products amongst businesses across the UK. We are asking you to help by sharing this simple image. If you need information about invoice finance please see the bottom of this page.

Help Us Build Awareness Of Invoice Finance

We want to build invoice finance awareness, which is difficult when you don't have a marketing budget! So we would kindly ask for your help in spreading the word through social media, blogs and the web - see below for links to our graphic on various social media sites.


 #IFaware - Please Help Raise Awareness Of Invoice Finance

Social Media

You can help by sharing our graphic which is on various social media channels.

We are using the hashtag #IFaware on social media - so please use that hashtag so we can see, and thank, the people that are helping us spread the word!

Find Out More About Invoice Finance

If you want to find out more about invoice finance we have extensive product information and market research available.

If you need help please request a call back or call Sean on 03330 113622.

Further Campaign Adverts

Below are further campaign adverts as they are released, follow the links to the page with all the details about how to share each image:

Campaign 2

Dogged by Cash Flow Problems?

Dogged by cash flow problems - have you heard of invoice finance?

Campaign 3

Growth Finance


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Examples of funders we work with:

funding invoice