Innovation Finance Limited

Contact Details

This is the FundInvoice contact page for Innovation Finance Limited, one of the invoice finance companies that we work with.

You can apply for a quote from Innovation Finance.


Innovation Finance is a family run, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex based invoice finance company. The business was started in 2011, and is owned by a family who will take an entrepreneurial approach to supporting your business. Their clients are primarily based in London and the South East of England.

Innovation are completely independent of the high street banks and they value both the simplicity and best practice of the services that they provide. All their clients have direct access to decision makers, that can take a flexible approach to funding.

Innovation Finance offers the following products:

  • Factoring
  • CHOCS (customer handles own collections)
  • Disclosed Invoice Discounting (DID)
  • Confidential Invoice Discounting (CID)
  • Non recourse bad debt protection - either for selected debtors or all of your trade.
  • Export finance in currency or Sterling.

Customers benefit from a fully electronic interface with Innovation, that enables them to upload schedules of invoices and apply for customer credit limits, securely online. The same online system gives customers access to a suite of management reports.

Innovation provided funding lines of between £10,000 and £500K, and are able to finance:

  • New starts
  • Fast growing business that want to expand
  • Restart businesses (following a prior business failure)
  • Pre-administration interfactor transfers
  • Single customer situations which have a 100% concentration
  • Single bundled fee arrangements
  • Selective debtor arrangements

Further Information

This is an article that Innovation contributed to FundingVoice magazine: Funding For New Startup Businesses

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Examples of funders we work with:

giant finance
metro bank