• Read Our Sales Book For Free With Kindle Unlimited

    If you have Kindle Unlimited you can download my book for free.

    You can read our sales book for free with Kindle Unlimited.

    Our Sales Book Is Free On Kindle Unlimited

    Do you already have Kindle Unlimited?

    If you do, you can read our new book on Kindle Unlimited for free: "Selling Without Shaking Hands - How To Sell From Anywhere".

    Follow the link in the sentence above to my original blogpost which has a link to the book in the Amazon bookstore.

    "Selling Without Shaking Hands"

    I wrote the book with Mike Vince during the lockdown. Mike runs a sales training company and I have spent years working with phone based sales people and selling to customers for our business. We both wanted to pull together everything we know about sales into a book that can help anyone that has any involvement in selling.

    We specifically wanted to address the difficulties arising from the recent lockdown and its impact on being able to get in front of customers. So we designed a system that doesn't rely upon you being infront of a customer face-to-face. This means that you can even apply it to selling online and or over the phone or even through social media.

    Fully Remote Writing Process

    Mike and I conducted the entire writing process remotely. We handled everything from the original brainstorm to regular review sessions through Zoom and with the use of email to exchange copy and comments. We didn't meet once through the entire process!


    The book will be of interest to anyone that works in sales, has their own business or is thinking about starting a new business. It should have something to add whether you are new to sales or experienced - its packed full of sales tips we have both picked up over the years.

    Free On Kindle Unlimited

    It is available from the Amazon bookstore, where you can download the free introductory chapter. The whole book is free to read if you have Kindle Unlimited.

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Examples of funders we work with:

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