• #TalkIF Twitter Debate Via RBS Invoice Finance

    The first of the 4 #invoicefinance debates, hosted on Twitter by RBS Invoice Finance (using John Brown Media) was really interesting - you can go onto Twitter, search the hashtag #TalkIF and you will see all the dialogue. The discussion covered:

      • When could external funding help a business.
      • When did businesses decide it was the right time for expansion, diversification or an MBO.
      • What funding is available to exporters.
      • How has the invoice finance industry changed to better serve businesses in 2015.

    It was good to participate (as far as the roaming mobile network would allow!) and I look forward to the debate over the next 3 weeks. RBS Invoice Finance will be publishing a blog post summarising the discussion. Next weeks discussion is about how business leaders achieved their business goals. This will be at noon next Thursday the 19th November.

    If anyone wants access to our invoice finance market research archive prior to next week its all online: Invoice Finance Market Research Archive

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Examples of funders we work with:

ultimate finance group
giant finance
funding invoice