• Only 2 Percent Of New Startups Used Invoice Finance To Fund Their New Start Business

    In our recent survey of a randomly selected sample of 100 new start businesses, only 2% said that they used invoice finance to fund their start-up business.

    As I have posted previously, only 4% of those startups that we surveyed said that they had even "considered" invoice finance and of those that didn't consider it, 39% of them said they didn't consider invoice finance as they didn't think that invoice finance was an option for new start businesses, a complete misunderstanding of how the invoice finance market works.

    Invoice finance can be the perfect funding solution for a new start business and there are many providers, both bank-owned and independent that are very happy to provide funding to new businesses and start-ups.

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Examples of funders we work with:

ultimate finance group
leumi abl
funding invoice