• Invoice Finance Trends Versus Business Loans

    Invoice finance trends compared with factoring and business loans.

    Invoice Finance Trends Versus Business Loans

    This video is an explanation of research into what is going on regarding online search trends for invoice finance, factoring, invoice discounting and business loans. The video was created and is hosted on Vimeo, who provide an excellent free tool to be able to record via a webcam, and your screen, simultaneously.

    Online Search Trends For Invoice Finance

    In the video, I use another excellent free online tool called "Google Trends" to compare the amount of online search traffic, via Google in the UK, for each of the following search terms:

    • Invoice finance
    • Invoice factoring (just using factoring will return a huge volume of searches for mathematical factoring)
    • Invoice discounting
    • CBILS
    • Business loans

    You will see how the volume of search enquiries compares between the different terms, and how they have changed over time (from 2004 to 2021).

    Research Business Loan Trends Versus Receivables Financing

    You can watch my analysis of this research regarding receivables financing volumes versus business loan trends here:

    Compare Receivables Finance And Loans

    In the video, I look at the different forms of receivables financing and how the volumes of search compare with business loans. It is clear that the CBILS scheme has caused a spike in the volume of online searches for that term, but its replacement, the Recovery Loan Scheme, does not offer the same level of benefits, i.e., a full value Government guarantee and repayment holidays. These could be key benefits that have affected the behaviour of customers. Note that since the time of writing the RLS has been succeeded by the Growth Guarantee Scheme GGS.

    Looking to compare receivables finance with business loans, the figures show swings in the volumes of search over time, but movements towards business loans, in recent times, are apparent. This may have been driven by the increase in availability of business lending recently. Several receivables financing companies have extended their product portfolios to include business lending.

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Examples of funders we work with:

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pulse cashflow finance
giant finance
time finance