• Construction Finance Against Invoices Not Applications For Payment

    Construction Finance Against Invoices Not Applications For PaymentThere has been much focus on construction finance against uncertified applications for payment but in 25% of cases, construction businesses just raise straight credit sales invoices rather than payment applications (according to our construction finance sector survey of 100 construction businesses).

    We didn't find that any of these 25% of construction sector businesses used invoice finance, despite raising credit invoices that could be eligible for funding. Of that segment, 24% of them said that they needed to raise additional finance over the next year but half of them had never heard of invoice finance and the remainder used alternative funding sources such as overdrafts or bank loans.

    Even invoice finance companies that don't want to fund payment applications could attack this segment of the construction market where the client raises credit sales invoices and nearly a quarter say that they need to raise more finance.

    For a quotation for construction finance against either credit sales invoices or applications for payment follow the "REQUEST QUOTE SEARCH" link on the right-hand side of this page.

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Examples of funders we work with:

apollo business finance
ultimate finance group
funding invoice