• Video Explaining Invoice Finance Pricing

    Pricing research and examples for invoice finance.I have just posted the latest of a number of short videos on YouTube relating to invoice finance. This particular video focuses on invoice finance pricing. It's only 30 seconds long so it won't take up much of your time.

    Explaining Pricing

    Specifically it focuses on explaining pricing and highlights some of the huge differentials in price between different providers. We have discovered these through our research programme, and in the course of sourcing quotes for numerous companies.


    Please watch the "30 second explainer video" below, feel free to comment and like it on YouTube:

    Invoice Finance Pricing

    The video references our Invoice Finance Pricing Research, which you can read via the link. That summary also has further links to pages that explain how prices are structured, and examples of prices for different sizes of company. Remember that quotes are specific to your organisation, based on your circumstances. Therefore, the only way to find out the likely cost for your company is to request a quotation search.

    General Information About Factoring & Invoice Discounting

    If you would like more general information about products such as factoring and invoice discounting, please see our Free Guide To Receivables Financing. It explains how these services can provide a cash flow boost to a company that has money tied up in unpaid sales receivables. This cash can be unlocked through the receipt of "prepayments" against your invoices, as and when you raise them. This means that you are no longer reliant upon waiting for your customers to make payments to you.

    The funding bridges that gap, allowing you to continue to extend credit terms, but having a cash flow that is closer to a business trading on cash terms. You can use this money for any purpose including paying suppliers, purchasing stock, paying staff or other expenses.

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Examples of funders we work with:

metro bank
pulse cashflow finance