• Paper Free Business (Almost)

    At FundInvoice we are operating an (almost) paperless business model.

    I just completed my filing, everything that had built up over the last couple of years! It occurred to me that 90% of it is personal, bills, letters etc. and very little relates to FundInvoice. If fact we are operating an almost paperless business model. All our invoicing is email based, as are our written communication with suppliers and customers. There are very few hard copies needed. In fact a I have noticed that the last of our suppliers that used to send paper invoices have just converted to emailing their invoices over the last few months. The total amount of paper produced by us over the last 4 years fits into less than one filing cabinet drawer.

    Better for the environment and low cost to run, so it works for us. Everything is stored electronically and it's all backed up so that we can access copies from our electronic archive if they are needed.

    Ironic that we can arrange finance for paper manufacturers and distributors - but we don't produce much of it ourselves!

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Examples of funders we work with:

metro bank
leumi abl