• Invoice Finance Without Face-to-Face Meetings

    Invoice finance can be arranged and managed without face-to-face meetings.

    Invoice finance can be arranged, and managed without the need for face-to-face meetings.

    This will be a relief for many that are worried about the virus outbreak.


    Getting Invoice Finance Without Meetings

    The coronavirus outbreak has highlighted the need for invoice finance companies to be able to set up new facilities, and manager existing facilities for their clients, without the need for face-to-face meetings.

    Whilst funders almost universally prefer to conduct new customer meetings face-to-face, the majority of the finance companies on our panel have confirmed that they are able to continue to take on and help new customers without the need to visit their premises. This will enable you to get business finance during UK lockdown or whilst you are in self isolation.

    Technology Can Replace Face-To-Face Contact

    Much of the change is being enabled by new technologies that allow the funders to receive information such as your sales ledger, via electronic means.

    Some providers already have technology in place that allows your sales ledger to be uploaded to their systems. Many of them have adapted to this situation by implementing a remote videoconferencing technology, in order to overcome these types of issues.

    We have several funders that have used app-based technology within their architecture is. In one case the funder has an app that enables a decision to be made for new customers, within 60 seconds. Therefore, the technology is in place to enable you to access invoice funding, at this difficult time, without the need to put yourself and others at risk by conducting face-to-face meetings with the staff of the finance company.

    Managing Ongoing Customers

    Once you have become a client, all of our providers operate web-based interface is for their clients. These allow their customers to securely access the key information about their accounts, and to drawdown funding, into their bank account - all using a secure online interface. This reduces the need for face-to-face contact for ongoing customer management.

    Once again, many of our funders systems encompass technology that allows them to continue to transfer your sales ledger information to their systems once you are an ongoing customer.

    If you are looking for funding support please get in contact, you can call us on 03330 113622, and we also offer a completely remote, telephone-based support service, to find the business funding that you require.

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Examples of funders we work with:

metro bank
apollo business finance