• How To Get A Business Loan

    How To Get A Business LoanCompleting a number of business loans for clients has given us a unique perspective on the marketplace. We have arranged several commercial loans for our clients. In some cases it has been to enable a business acquisition, in another example, it was to improve cash flow and enable the purchase of materials for an IT project.


    How To Get A Business Loan

    Several loans have been sizable lends, circa £100K. One was over a 5-year term secured by way of a personal guarantee only, due to the strength of the company itself. Another was secured against a director's property, over a 10-year term (the term is the period over which the loan is repaid).

    Smaller, or larger levels of lending have also been arranged.

    Also see: How To Get A Small Business Loan

    An Alternative To Invoice Finance & Factoring

    We have specialist partners who are experts in the field of commercial loans, which gives our clients an alternative to debtor finance. This can be attractive to companies that don't want to go down the invoice finance route. Existing users of factoring or invoice discounting may wish to consider using a commercial loan as an exit strategy from invoice finance, so we have that option available.

    Cash Flow Loans To Top Up Existing Invoice Finance Facilities

    As an alternative to a standalone commercial loan, several of our invoice finance partners now offer top-up cash flow loans for factoring or invoice discounting users. These operate in addition to your existing factoring or discounting arrangement, by increasing the total amount of funding that you have available to your business. This type of "top-up finance" can be used to ease temporary cash flow pressures, or for one-off purchases, and they are similar to an overpayment on your invoice financing account. A cash flow loan is for a fixed sum, repaid over a fixed term, in a similar way to how a commercial loan would be structured.

    See also: How To Work Out How Much You Need.

    Get A Business Loan

    For more details please call Sean on 03330 113622 or request a call about how to get a business loan.

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Examples of funders we work with:

pulse cashflow finance
apollo business finance