• FundingVoice June 2022 Stock Finance Now Available

    FundingVoice June 2022 Stock Finance Is Now Available.

    FundingVoice June 2022 - "You Can Now Raise Additional Finance Against Stock" is now available online for you to download and read.

    You can read the June 2022 edition: Stock Finance Now Available.

    Below is a list of the articles and posts that we have included in this edition of the free e-magazine.

    FundingVoice June 2022 - You Can Now Raise Additional Finance Against Stock

    In this edition, you will find a selection of our recent articles, including the following:

    • Stock Finance - a new facility is available that provides funding against raw materials and goods held in stock. They don't have to be finished items and you don't have to have pre-sold them. Stock finance can help you buy to increase your inventory and can be used in conjunction with an existing invoice finance facility.

    • Refinance Loans - as loans made during the pandemic are starting to fall due, some customers are seeking options to refinance and reduce monthly payments. Alternatively, some are seeking additional capital in addition to existing borrowing. Refinancing can help.

      • Testimonials - this article pulls together a few of our most recent testimonials which were received from customers that used the FundInvoice business finance brokerage service.

        • Payroll Finance - an example of a recruitment customer that was able to use payroll finance to both increase their turnover and pay their staff wages.

          • Supply Chain Issues - some businesses have experienced trade credit restrictions where they have had to seek UK based suppliers in response to global supply chain problems. Trade Finance is available as an alternative to inject credit back into your supply chain.

          • Marketing Ideas? - if you would like to generate some additional sales leads, without spending money on expensive ads, this could help. We are giving you access to a discount code for the marketing toolkit and templates that you can use to generate leads at a very low cost. Use the code JUST45POUNDS

    Subscribe For Free

    You can ensure that you get FundingVoice each month by subscribing to our magazine so that you receive future editions direct to your email inbox. There is sometimes a delay publishing them to our website, so by subscribing you don't have to wait. You can also get a free copy of our e-book "The Startup Wizard - How To Start A Business" when you subscribe.

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Examples of funders we work with:

ultimate finance group
leumi abl
apollo business finance
metro bank