• 24 Percent Increase In New Business Prospects

    24% Up On ProspectsWe are really happy to report that on reviewing some statistics from the last year, we have seen

    • New business prospect levels increase by 24%.

    A fantastic improvement on what we dealt with in the previous year.

    Busy, Busy, Busy!

    This stock take also comes at a time when we seem to be extremely business with new enquiries. Some of you have been kind enough to make introductions to us, in addition to our regular sources of invoice finance prospects. It is very much appreciated.

    As always, all the likes, shares and comments on social media are helping us to grow our web presence - we are very grateful to our supporters for all of those. Long may it continue!

    24% Increase In New Business Prospects

    We have seen this increase in numbers of new business prospect, of +24% over the last 12 months, as we have improved our marketing and opened up some new channels to help more companies that are looking for growth finance, to ease cash flow pressures.

    Our growing library of YouTube explainer videos has been one part of our increased activity. You can see the FundInvoice YouTube Channel by following the link, where there are a mixture of short introductions to the various aspects of receivables financing, mixed with some more generic business guidance e.g. for startups, improving cash flow and running your own credit control.

    We are always eager to help more companies search the market for the best invoice finance quotes, so please get in touch if we can help you with a free quote search. Please call Sean on 03330 113622 and he will help you find what you need. On average we have been able to save 31% on the fees clients have been able to find on their own, so there is a very good chance that we will be able to save you some money.

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Examples of funders we work with:

funding invoice
pulse cashflow finance