• Would You Like To Feature On Our Website & In Our Magazine

    Would you like to feature on our website, in our magazine and on our social media channels?Would you like your business to feature on the FundInvoice website, in our monthly magazine and on our social media channels?

    How about running a series of articles highlighting your organisation, with a response link that prospects can use to contact you?


    Feature On Our Channels

    We have had a couple of enquiries recently from businesses wanting to feature on our various channels. Its not something that we have given much thought to previously (although we included the mechanism to do this when we first built our site), but we thought - why not.

    In view of these requests we have put together some more details below.

    Our Audience

    The parties that follow our various channels will tend to be from businesses that have shown some interest in business financing at some point. The other segment of our audience are individuals from the finance companies themselves.

    Feature In FundingVoice

    At present our monthly magazine goes out to over 4,200 active subscribers that have expressed some interest in invoice finance, or business finance in the past. Within our subscriber base there are also a number of individuals from within and around the finance sector.

    Social Media

    Our content is usually shared via our social media channels: LinkedIn (over 1,300 connections), Facebook, Twitter (over 3,300 followers), Instagram, Pinterest and Tumblr. We also have a YouTube channel where we publish video content.

    Promotional Offers

    Either you could provide the content (we do ask that it is original), or we can help you produce that. This can be featured as a post on our blog, shared via our magazine and promoted through our social media channels.

    A series of related pieces is likely to be more effective than a single piece, so we are able to offer you a promotional package to fit most budgets. For help please contact Sean on 03330 113622 or request a call back.

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Examples of funders we work with:

funding invoice