• Independent Advice?

    We have just had a meeting with one of our funding partners and we discussed a situation where an interim finance director joined a firm and then advised the business to move to an alternative invoice finance provider. The interest thing about the advice was that the new provider was a newly established business, one that we know well, but it made me wonder why they would be recommended over and above all the various options that are available.

    It caused me to revisit a piece of research that we did regarding accountants, where we found that, on average, accountants deal with only 2 different invoice finance providers. This gives them a very limited scope when recommending sales finance to their clients, and it is not likely to be what could be called independent advice, more driven by the limited range of providers that they deal with.

    FundInvoice has researched the entire marketplace, both in terms of service delivery and pricing so if you want truly independent advice please get in touch.

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Examples of funders we work with:

time finance
apollo business finance