• Even Small Value Invoices Can Be Funded But Not By All Invoice Finance Companies

    We have had a recent case whereby an existing invoice finance client of a bank backed invoice finance company was unable to receive funding from their invoice finance company against many of the invoices that they raised due to their small average invoice value. Their sales ledger was such that there were a handful of bigger customers with larger balances and these were eligible for funding. However, there were also a large number of smaller customers, each with balances between £5 and £20 that their bank was not prepared to fund against these.

    We were able to put them in touch with an independent invoice discounting company that were quite prepared to offer an invoice discounting facility whereby they would fund against all the smaller debtor balances as well as the larger customers. The new facility was also offered on a "fixed administration charge" basis giving the prospective client a predictable costing structure.

    This is an example of how even small value invoices can be funded, but not by all invoice finance companies.

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Examples of funders we work with:

leumi abl
funding invoice