• The November 2019 Edition Of FundingVoice Magazine Is Available

    The November 2019 edition of FundingVoice invoice finance magazine is now available.The November 2019 edition of FundingVoice magazine, with all the latest news from the invoice finance sector, is now online.

    You can read it here: November 2019 FundingVoice - Invoice Finance Breaking News.

    November 2019 FundingVoice

    This month we are asking our readers to take a quick, 4-question survey that will take less than 2 minutes to complete - so please help with that if you would be so kind.

    There is some information on our performance over the last year, notably a 24% increase in new prospects that we have spoken to, and a 97.5% success rate at finding business finance for companies. It may not always be the offer that they were looking for, but we are able to find some form of funding in almost all cases.

    The additional articles included in this month's magazine are as follows:

    • Marketinvoice Rebrands - we have details of the rebranding that has happened over at Marketinvoice, as they seek to position themselves to offer a wider variety of types of business finance to their customers.

    • Alternative & Receivables Finance Forum 2019 - we were fortunate to be asked to attend and speak at this year's forum, once again. Details of the panel that discussed invoice finance auction services is available.

    Subscribe For Free

    As we always say, please subscribe so that you receive future editions of FundingVoice direct to your inbox, free of charge. It prevents the possibility of missing out on important news within the invoice finance sector.

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apollo business finance