• FundingVoice September, October And November 2020

    The November 2020 edition of FundingVoice magazine - 28 percent average savings.The September, October and November 2020 editions of FundingVoice magazine have all been sent out to our subscribers. Apologies that it has taken me a while to add these to our site. I always suggest that it is best to subscribe so that you receive each edition as we send it out, as there can often be a backlog getting them up on the site.

    You can read them online via the links below.

    FundingVoice November 2020 - 28%* Savings

    We have rebranded the magazine (following the rebrand of our site) so hopefully, you like the new, clearer look and feel. This month we lead with our performance in saving money for clients on quotes sourced elsewhere - 28%* average savings over the last 2 years.

    We also have details of more support for struggling companies from a sympathetic finance company, and we also published a guide to surviving a financial crisis that might give you some useful suggestions if you are having difficulties.

    You can read our November edition here: FundingVoice November 2020 - which is in a PDF format.

    FundingVoice October 2020 - New Invoice Finance Offer

    We have a great new offer from one of the invoice finance companies, the launch of our Business Turnaround Guide and also a new guide to Construction Finance.

    You can read our October edition here: FundingVoice October 2020 - which is in a PDF format.

    FundingVoice September 2020 - No Personal Guarantees

    Personal Guarantees have been a matter of course for many invoice finance companies over the years. Now in some cases, it is possible to get a facility without needing to put your personal assets behind your facility in the form of a personal guarantee. We also have details of the CBILS loan deadline and how to get a copy of my new sales techniques book.

    You can read our September edition here: FundingVoice September 2020 - in a PDF format.

    * Savings updated post-publicationAverage cost savings found for clients against prices quoted elsewhere.

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Examples of funders we work with:

funding invoice
metro bank
apollo business finance