• Cirrus 4Syte Have Rebranded

    Cirrus 4Syte has rebranded to 4Syte Funding, 4Syte Trade, 4Syte Construction and 4Syte Structured Finance.Cirrus 4Syte have rebranded to 4Syte Construction. The 4Syte Group now consists of four distinct opperational names that deliver their  invoice financing, and business financing services. These operational names as explained below.

    If you would like a business funding quote from them, please use the following contact request form:


    4Syte Funding

    A range of invoice financing solutions are offered through 4Syte Funding, including full service factoring, selective factoring (where you can pick and choose the debtors to be funded), CHOCs (Customer Handles Own Collections) and disclosed invoice discounting (also called DID). Facilities with up to £1M funds in use can be arranged.

    4Syte Trade

    4Syte Trade offers purchase finance (also called trade finance) in addition to invoice finance as a packaged facility. This allows customers to receive funding to pay suppliers based in the UK or abroad, with the purchase finance repaid by the invoice finance facility.

    It can be a good way of accessing a longer period of credit to help you with supplier payments, and is offered in conjunction with an invoice financing facility.

    4Syte Construction

    Funding for the construction sector, and other contractual businesses is provided through 4Syte Construction. Typically very few funders will fund within the construction sector, and the same is true of contractual industries.

    The hand full of companies that are specialists within these segments use highly skilled, sector specialists to evaluate the underlying project or trading contracts. This allows the funder to set a prepayment percentage that is appropriate to the needs of the client, and reflects the issues that they contractual nature could present.

    4Syte Structured Finance

    Business loans, secured against property, are available through 4Syte Structured Finance. Again, these can be up to £1M of funding.


    The origin of the name, as explained on their website, is based on the word ‘Foresight’. Their site explains that the qualities they expect their clients and partners to experience in their dealings are; forethought, anticipation, forward-planning, circumspection, attentiveness, vigilance, prudence, care, caution, precaution, readiness, preparedness.

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Examples of funders we work with:

apollo business finance
leumi abl
funding invoice