• SMEs Unanimously Think Invoice Finance Improves Customer Cash Flow

    Our invoice finance research results are now available and I will post them to the blog over the next few days.

    This time the researchers spoke to 100 SMEs (Small and Medium Sized Enterprises) and asked them a variety of questions about their views, attitudes, perceptions and expectations regarding invoice finance. This has yielded some fascinating results.

    One question we asked was "If a customer uses invoice finance would you expect their cash flow to be stronger, weaker or no different from a customer that doesn't use invoice finance".

    100% of SME respondents thought that using invoice finance would make the cash flow of a customer's business stronger - unanimous support and recognition of the key benefit of invoice finance.

    Find out more about invoice finance for SMEs.

    This finding lays to rest some outdated views from the past that invoice finance is only used by companies that are in financial trouble - the perception of customers appears to be the opposite in fact - using invoice finance is unanimously associated with having stronger cash flow.

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Examples of funders we work with:

metro bank
apollo business finance