• Invoice Finance Predictions for 2010 Continued

    Yesterday I posted my first 3 predictions for 2010. Below are 2 more predictions for the invoice finance market during 2010:

    1. New Start Factoring Companies - there already rumours circulating of potential new entrants to the factoring market. There are almost certainly going to be at least a couple of new invoice finance companies entering the market this year. Potentially very positive for clients in terms of choice and a hunger for new business, however that has to be balanced against the increased risk of dealing with a business that has only been formed recently.

    2. The Return of Bad Debt Protection - during the period when businesses have been most in need of protection against bad debts (non recourse) the market has been most reluctant to give it to them. There has been an evapouration in the availability of non recourse and credit protection and numeroud problems in establishing suitable credit limits for customers. Hopefully, a softening in UK economics will enable the re-insurers to allow the return of Bad Debt Protection to the invoice finance market.

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funding invoice