• Deal Completed Factoring Steel Stockholder

    Deal completed factoring a steel stockholder.Our surveys repeatedly suggest that most #factoring clients are happy with their factoring arrangements but for the minority that is not the case.

    We were recently able to assist a steel stockholding business turning over circa £2 million per annum that were not happy with their existing factoring company. They felt that the credit controllers at their existing factoring company were being overly agressive with their customers and upsetting them.

    We were able to find that steel stockholder an alternative factoring company that were able to agree parameters with the client regarding the collections activity and ensure that they don't upset the client's customers with over zealous chasing of outstanding sales invoices. There are often significant differences between the credit control services offered by different factoring companies and the client benefitted from the specialist advice offered by our consultant directors.

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Examples of funders we work with:

leumi abl