• Asset Based Finance Association ABFA Q1 2010 Figures Published

    The latest set of invoice finance industry statistics from the Asset Based Finance Association (ABFA) for Q1 2010 have been published on their website.

    Asset Based Finance Association ABFA Q1 2010 Figures Published

    They show growth of 8% in client sales volumes in the year to date against the previous year but they also show a decrease of just over 7% in the number of actual clients using invoice finance (now 41,275) as the number of clients lost has exceeded the number of clients gained over the period. This would suggest that the clients that are using factoring and invoice discounting are doing very well against the modest growth rates within the overall economy. This makes sense when you consider that invoice finance creates the cash flow for businesses to expand their volume of sales without having to worry about funding the purchases and expenditures that accompany the expansion.

    The number of import factoring clients (clients based abroad handled from the UK) has decreased dramatically, down by 71%, which probably reflects the withdrawal of some providers from this market niche.

    It seems incredible that the invoice finance client numbers remain so low, when compared to the population of businesses in the UK, as these products are such a flexible way to raise additional working capital and the figures suggest that the businesses using invoice finance are doing so well.

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