• 54 Percent of Factoring And Invoice Discounting Users Think Businesses Use Overdraft Because They Do Not Know About Invoice Finance

    We surveyed a sample of businesses (84) that use various forms of invoice finance such as factoring and invoice discounting and we asked them why they thought more businesses use overdrafts than invoice finance. These were the answers that they gave:

      • 53.6% thought it was because businesses haven't heard of invoice finance or don't know about it
      • 22.6% thought it was because businesses don't realise the benefits of invoice finance
      • 19% said overdraft was standard/offered by the banks
      • 4.8% thought those businesses didn't have any cash flow problems so could manage with an overdraft

    This is a very positive reflection on invoice finance as the majority of existing users surveyed implied that if businesses were more aware of invoice finance they would use it instead of overdraft.


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Examples of funders we work with:

giant finance
pulse cashflow finance
funding invoice