• Sales Finance For Hand Gel Sanitiser & Hand Wash Orders In Wake Of Coronavirus

    Sales finance for large orders of hand sanitiser gel due to coronavirus.As the hysteria around the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) across the UK continues, there are news reports that items are being rationed by some pharmacy chains such as Boots and LloydsPharmacy (BBC News 03/03/20).

    These appear to include items such as:

    • Hand sanitisers & alcohol gels.
    • Hand washes & soaps.

    I have heard local reports from friends that they have been visiting different shops to try and find hand gels and hand wash. It appears that some outlets have completely run out.

    I have also heard of difficulty booking delivery slots with supermarkets, presumably as people rush to stockpile basic supplies.

    So it is not just the coronavirus preparations and stockpiling that are leading to large orders being placed with suppliers.

    Sales Finance For Anti-Coronavirus Hand Sanitisers

    This is creating a huge demand for this product, which has outstripped demand in some places. The article suggests that research from Kantar Worldpanel suggests that sales of hand sanitiser gels have tripled in February - a huge increase in demand.

    This may be giving rise to large seasonal orders that can put a strain on the normal cash flow of manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors. If you have experienced such a surge in demand, and you need to finance large orders that are testing your cash flow, sales finance against your invoices could be a solution.

    Call 03330 113622 for a sales finance quote.

    Sales Finance To Improve Cash Flow

    Sales finance works by releasing the cash that becomes tied up on your outstanding sales invoices. You no longer have to wait for your customer to pay in order to access the majority of the value of your invoices. As soon as you ship the goods, and raise the invoice, the sales finance company will give you a prepayment. This is typically 85% of the invoice value, with the balance paid to you when your customer pays (less the charge to use the service).

    This type of funding means that you can take on large orders and grow, without having to worry that they will outstrip your available cash flow. The products have the effect of accelerating your cash flow. This type of funding can be put in place quickly, and there are options that allow you to choose which large orders you want to raise finance against.

    Related information: Government Guidance On Hand Washing & Coronavirus.

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